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  • QbsModuleProviders
  • conan
  • Qbs 2.4.0
  • conan

    Module provider for the Conan package manager. More...

    Since: Qt 2.4


    Detailed Description

    This module provider allows integration with the Conan package manager.


    In order to use this provider, you will need Conan version 2.5.0 or higher. Earlier versions do not have the QbsDeps generator.


    For details on how to setup a project to use with Conan, see the l{https://github.com/qbs/qbs/blob/master/examples/protobuf/addressbook_conan}{addressbook_conan} folder in examples. First, you will need a conanfile as shown below.


    We use the text version for simplicity, but you can use the Python conanfile as well.

    Next, set the qbsModuleProviders property to "conan":

    import qbs.Host
    CppApplication {
        consoleApplication: true
        condition: protobuf.cpp.present && qbs.targetPlatform === Host.platform()
        Depends { name: "cpp" }
        cpp.minimumMacosVersion: "11.0"
        Depends { name: "protobuf.cpp"; required: false }
        files: [
        qbsModuleProviders: "conan"

    Install Conan dependencies and run the QbsDeps generator from the addressbook_conan dir:

    $ conan install . -g=QbsDeps --output-folder=build --build missing

    This will create the ./build/qbs-deps directory contaning files for provider. Now you can pass the conan install directory to the provider:

    $ qbs moduleProviders.conan.installDirectory:build

    You should see the following output if everything is correct:

    Build graph does not yet exist for configuration 'default'. Starting from scratch.
    Resolving project for configuration default
    Setting up Conan module 'protobuflib'
    Setting up Conan module 'zlib'
    Build done for configuration default.

    Property Documentation

    installDirectory : string

    The path to the conan install installDirectory.

    Qbs searches for files created by the QbsDeps generator in that directory.

    If not set, the provider will not be run.

    Default: undefined