
Blog Documentation Get Qbs
  • Qbs Manual
  • List of Built-in Services
  • PropertyList Service
  • Qbs 2.3.0
  • PropertyList Service

    The PropertyList service allows you to read and write property list files in all formats supported by the Core Foundation API: XML, binary, JSON, and OpenStep (read-only).

    This service is only available on Darwin platforms such as iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

    Available operations



    Allocates and returns a new PropertyList object.


    clear(): void

    Voids the property list by deleting its internal object reference.


    isEmpty(): boolean

    Returns true if the property list has no internal object reference set, otherwise false.


    format(): string

    Returns the data format that the property list data was deserialized from. This property is set after calling readFromString or readFromFile. Possible return values include: "binary1", "json", "openstep", and "xml1". If the property list object is empty or the input format could not be determined, returns undefined.


    readFromFile(filePath: string): void

    Parses the file and stores the result in the property list. Throws an exception if an I/O error occurs or the input is in an invalid format.


    readFromObject(obj: any): void

    Sets the given object as the property list's internal object. format() will return undefined as this method does not deserialize a storage format.


    readFromString(input: string): void

    Parses input and stores the result in the property list. This is most useful for initializing a property list object from the result of a JSON.stringify call. Throws an exception if the input is in an invalid format.


    toObject(): any

    Returns an object representing the property list.


    toJSON(style: string = "compact"): string

    Returns a string representation of the property list in JSON format. Possible values for style include "pretty" and "compact". The default is compact.


    toString(format: string): string

    Returns a string representation of the property list in the specified format. Possible values for format include: "json" (compact), "json-compact", "json-pretty", and "xml1". Currently, the OpenStep format is not supported. Throws an exception if the object cannot be written in the given format.


    toXMLString(): string

    Returns a string representation of the property list in XML format. This function is a synonym for toString("xml1").


    writeToFile(filePath: string, format: string): void

    Writes the property list to the file in the given format. Possible values for format include: "binary1", "json" (compact), "json-compact", "json-pretty", and "xml1". Currently, the OpenStep format is not supported for writing. Throws an exception if an I/O error occurs or the object cannot be written in the given format.