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  • QbsModules
  • xcode
  • Qbs 2.3.0
  • xcode QML Type

    Provides Xcode support. More...

    Import Statement: import QbsModules
    Since: Qbs 1.5


    Detailed Description

    The xcode module contains properties and rules for Xcode-based development. This module provides the foundation for several other modules on Apple platforms, including the cpp and ib modules.

    Property Documentation

    availableSdkNames: stringList

    The canonical names of all SDKs available in the Xcode installation for the current platform.

    For example, [macosx10.9, macosx10.10].

    Default: developerPath

    availableSdkVersions: stringList

    The version numbers of all SDK available in the Xcode installation for the current platform.

    For example, [10.9, 10.10].

    Default: developerPath

    developerPath: path

    The developer directory of the Xcode installation.

    Corresponds to the DEVELOPER_DIR environment variable.

    Default: The developer directory of the Xcode installation at its default location in /Applications. For example, "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer".

    latestSdkName: string

    The canonical name of the latest SDK available in the Xcode installation.

    For example, macosx10.10.

    Default: developerPath

    latestSdkVersion: string

    The version number of the latest SDK available in the Xcode installation.

    For example, 10.10.

    Default: developerPath

    platformPath: path

    The path of the platform directory containing sdkPath.

    Default: developerPath

    sdk: string

    The version of the Xcode SDK used to build products.

    This can be specified as a full canonical SDK name ("macosx10.10"), a platform version number ("10.10"), or a platform identifier ("macosx"), in which case the latest SDK available for that platform will be used.

    Default: The latest SDK available in the Xcode installation for the current platform. Determined by qbs.targetOS.

    sdkName: string

    The canonical name of the SDK used to build products.

    For example, macosx10.9.

    Default: sdk

    sdkPath: path

    The path of the SDK used to build products. Equivalent to qbs.sysroot.

    Default: Determined by developerPath and sdk.

    sdkVersion: string

    The version number of the SDK used to build products.

    For example, 10.9.

    Default: sdk

    targetDevices: stringList

    A list of the Apple devices targeted by this product.

    For macOS, watchOS, and tvOS, this should always be "mac", "watch", and "tv", respectively. For iOS, this can be one or both of "iphone" and "ipad".

    Default: The list of all device types supported by the current platform. Determined by qbs.targetOS.