
Blog Documentation Get Qbs
  • Qbs Manual
  • QbsProbes
  • IncludeProbe
  • Qbs 2.1.1
  • IncludeProbe QML Type

    Locates header files outside the project. More...

    Import Statement: import QbsProbes


    Detailed Description

    This is the convenience item that searches for files in "include" directories.

    For example, IncludeProbe can be used to search for a zlib header as follows:

    import qbs.Probes
    CppApplication {
        Probes.IncludeProbe {
            id: zlibProbe
            names: "zlib.h"
        cpp.includePaths: zlibProbe.found ? [zlibProbe.path] : []
        files: 'main.cpp'